Schultz Environment Blog

Environment in a broad sense,transports and energy issues. From my local point of view with a global touch!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Venice and Karlstad…..
Today the committee looking at climate changes and the vulnerability in the society left their first interim report and had a press conference. Their final report is planned to be finished by October next year. I had the pleasure to be invited to the TV sofa in the “Good Morning Sweden” programme to comment the situation for Karlstad and what a municipality can do to avoid flooding. My answer was that a municipality in Sweden can change the way of planning and take the flood argument seriously, communicate the problems with the inhabitants, prepare for handling crises and finally exchanging information and experience with other parts of the world. Sweden is actually not so hard hit by the climate changes as many other parts of the world.

Speaking of flooding, next week I will go to Venice and take part in a kick-off meeting for an EU project in the Intelligent Energy Europe programme. It’s called ECHO ACTION and the energy company of Venice is co-ordinator. It shows that both Venice and Karlstad has developed a very similar idea of how to give families the tools to behave more environment adapted in their weekdays. The project mainly deals with the energy and transport issues. I’m quite delighted in the project idea and it certainly shows that we can learn from other municipalities in the world. It is also meaningful to give tools for a better behaviour aiming at decreasing the greenhouse gases in the perspective of the climate changes.


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