Schultz Environment Blog

Environment in a broad sense,transports and energy issues. From my local point of view with a global touch!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

A proposal that only environment friendly cars will be allowed from 2015 in Sweden?
The Swedish radio announces today that the Centre Party in Sweden next week will discuss a new Environment programme at their yearly national assembly. In the programme it is suggested that from 2015 it should only be allowed to sell environmentally friendly cars in Sweden. In the first seven months this year the amount of environmentally cars sold in Sweden were about 16 %, much more than previous year, but still a long way from 100 %.
If it would be allowed, only to sell environmentally friendly cars, the CO2 emissions would decrease by 36 %in Sweden. There is a definition, by the Swedish Road Administration, what criteria an environmentally friendly car should present. Mainly, cars driven by ethanol or biogas, or that they are very fuel efficient either they are gasoline- or diesel fuelled.
But, first it will be discussed at the assembly of the party, then maybe discussed in the government coalition and then transformed into legislation. We’ll see what’s happen.


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