More about volunatry commitments
In the Swedish newspaper “Dagens Nyheter” it could be read the other day that eco-labelled electricity is not a success among the Swedish households. According to an investigation done by the university in Luleå, 48 % of the consumers don’t think that their choice will make any difference. The newspaper phoned some of the larger energy companies and found out that the interest for eco-labelled electricity is very low among the households. For Eon, only a few hundred out of 800 000 customers, buys eco-labelled electricity. According the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation the eco-labelled electricity in Sweden is 5 % of the market, but most of that are purchased bye companies. The energy companies haven’t been very successful in convincing the household of the benefits buying eco-labelled electricity.
There are two exceptions, the company, Fortum, gives all households signing a fixed price, eco-labelled electricity automatically. That is the reason why Fortum is the only big company selling some eco-labelled electricity to the households. Like the municipal company in Falkenberg, which are only selling eco-labelled electricity. These two companies have so to say made the voluntary part more imperative.
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