Schultz Environment Blog

Environment in a broad sense,transports and energy issues. From my local point of view with a global touch!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Local meeting about transport plan

Today I attended a local meeting about making a local traffic plan. We already have a Transport strategy which talks about what to do and stating a vision for the local transports. This new traffic plan will deal about how to reach these goals in the transport strategy. The meeting today was a kind of referendum with many of the different stakeholder’s organisations but also the different departments in the municipality. A consultancy talked about experience from different other cities in Sweden and we had a discussion about traffic problems we see in our own city. So far so good.

It is often easy to set up the vision and the goals in the strategy but when it comes to reality in how to reach the goals, what priorities to make; it usually becomes a bit harder to get the decisions from the politicians. Then it becomes a little more “realistic” measures. Lets hope this will not happen in our case so that we can keep to the strategy.


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