Schultz Environment Blog

Environment in a broad sense,transports and energy issues. From my local point of view with a global touch!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Guidance needed!
If you want people to behave in a more environment friendly way there are a need for guidance. In my agency I think we have something good going on in that field. Since nearly 9 years we have an advice bureau “Rådrummet” running. It is an office, by the town square, with experts with different skills in the fields of environment. There are consumer guidance experts, mobility management officers, waste handling advisor, agenda 21 coordinators, and energy efficiency advisors. Altogether, 10 people with the mission to give the public good guidance in how to behave in a more environment friendly way in the everyday life.
The people in the city know about the “Rådrummet”, which is open every weekday between 11.00-16.00, and they like it. We also make exhibitions there, host different meetings about environment and answer people’s questions about environmental issues.
We have had lots of visitors from other parts of Sweden and from many cities from different parts in the world. You are welcome to take contact if you are interested in a visit for your city or organisation. Why not try to get your own city to start such an Advice Centre for environment issues and how to behave in a sustainable direction? It’s good to get guidance!


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